

The Positive and Negative Effects of Technology on Children

Posted by Strategic Communications, JGI Group on on 24 June 2024

The Positive and Negative Effects of Technology on Children

It’s no secret that technology has become an integral component of daily life. It is rare to see children and teens without a digital device in hand wherever we go: restaurants, waiting rooms, parks, and more. Children these days are referred to as “digital natives” for a reason. In fact, a report from Common Sense Media revealed that 42% of young children have their very own tablet or smartphone. At the same time, the average amount of time children spends with these handheld devices each day is skyrocketing, from 5 minutes a day to 48 minutes a day in recent times.

The rapid pace at which toddlers, children, and teens are adopting technology into their daily lives has many questioning the effects it can have on their development. Although the negative effects of technology frequently hit the news and are popular topics of conversation, technology is also being used more and more in educational settings. The adoption of technology in children's education has empowered young minds with innovative tools and resources to cultivate knowledge and creativity. This leaves many of us wondering: Is technology all bad? Let us explore the positive and negative effects of technology on children.

Positive Effects of Technology on Children

Children can reap the positive effects of technology by accessing new learning opportunities. Technology offers children convenient access to information, fostering their creativity. Both tech hardware and software assist children in honing social skills and acquainting them with diverse arts and sciences. Here are some positive effects of technology on children:

Source of Information

Children of today’s generation differ significantly from those of previous generations, due to the internet's impact on education. The learning environment has become more dynamic and intricate as technology continues to advance. Consequently, classrooms are adapting to cater to the evolving needs of modern digital learners, with the internet emerging as an indispensable source of information. Technology facilitates children's acquisition of knowledge through various online resources, such as books, articles, and informative videos, fostering independence and self-assurance in their learning journey.

Strengthens Problem-Solving Skills

Problem-solving skills are integral to a child's developmental trajectory, enabling them to navigate challenges autonomously. Cultivating these skills nurtures critical thinking, creativity, and decision-making abilities essential for both academic success and real-life situations. Moreover, problem-solving fosters resilience and adaptability, equipping children with the confidence to tackle obstacles resourcefully. By nurturing problem-solving capabilities, we empower children to confront challenges confidently and independently, fostering their overall growth and resilience.

Encourages Social Engagement

Social media platforms play a pivotal role in enhancing children's social interaction within their peer groups. Exposure to social media cultivates self-assurance and readiness for future social endeavours among children. By facilitating communication, collaboration, and knowledge sharing, social media platforms offer invaluable learning opportunities for middle and high school students. Interacting on these platforms enables children to engage in collaborative projects and homework assignments, thereby enriching their educational experience.

Fosters Creativity

Technology serves as a catalyst for unleashing children's creativity and imagination. Technology provides a plethora of tools and resources to transform their ideas into reality. While traditional mediums like pens and paper persist, modern technologies such as laptops and iPads empower children to express their creativity in diverse ways, from 3D animations to multimedia artworks. Encouraging experimentation and innovation, technology amplifies children's capacity for creative expression. This exposure helps augment children’s learning potential and prepares them for future endeavours.

Promotes Empowerment and Independence

The accessibility of online educational resources has revolutionised early education. With the abundance of internet resources, children can conduct research independently, bypassing the constraints of physical libraries. This accessibility not only encourages curiosity and exploration but also fosters independence, academic confidence, and a passion for lifelong learning. By empowering children to seek knowledge autonomously, online resources pave the way for their holistic growth and development.

Negative Effects of Technology on Children

Children are particularly vulnerable to excessive technology consumption. It is paramount to establish consistent boundaries regarding different forms of media, including gaming consoles and smartphones. Parents should prioritise monitoring the content displayed on their children's screens and how they engage with it. Here are some negative effects of technology on children:

Behavioural and Emotional Challenges

Children often idolise their heroes or friends, aspiring to emulate their actions. However, when they cannot replicate what they see on TV or in their peers, feelings of inadequacy and inferiority may arise. Online communities can exacerbate these emotional struggles, potentially subjecting children to emotional abuse. Monitoring your child's internet usage and technology interactions can mitigate these digital threats and negative impacts.

Safety Concerns and Exposure to Inappropriate Content

Unsupervised technology usage poses significant risks, particularly concerning exposure to explicit material. The abundance of such content online and the lack of age restrictions on many websites make it easily accessible to children. Moreover, inadequate education on online safety leaves children vulnerable to exploitation by malicious individuals seeking indecent photos or sensitive information. Implementing strict supervision and education on internet safety is crucial to safeguarding children from these dangers.

Impact on Sleep Quality

Portable devices like smartphones and tablets grant children constant access to digital content, disrupting their sleep patterns. Excessive screen time, especially before bedtime, can lead to sleep deprivation, negatively affecting physical and mental health. Establishing boundaries and monitoring screen time can help ensure children get adequate rest, promoting overall well-being and academic performance.

Social Skill Development

While technology facilitates communication and entertainment, excessive use can impede the development of essential social skills. Over-reliance on online interactions may hinder children's ability to make eye contact, interpret facial expressions, and engage in meaningful conversations. Balancing online activities with real-world interactions is essential to fostering healthy social development in children.


Cyberbullying is a pervasive issue in the digital age, with serious consequences for victims, including increased suicide attempts and mental health struggles. Parents can mitigate the risk by monitoring their child's online activity, setting limits on device usage, and implementing parental controls. Open communication about online safety and the importance of reporting cyberbullying incidents can empower children to navigate the digital landscape safely and responsibly.

Way Forward

The integration of technology into children's lives has transformed the educational scenario, presenting both opportunities and challenges. As role models, parents wield tremendous influence in striking a balance between technology and children’s habits and behaviours. With the proliferation of digital devices among children and teens, concerns about their overall growth and development have become more pronounced. However, it's essential to recognise that technology is a multifaceted tool that can both enhance and hinder children's growth and well-being. By harnessing technology's potential for educational enrichment, children can access new learning opportunities, cultivate creativity, and develop essential skills for the 21st century. Yet, alongside these benefits come risks, including overuse, exposure to inappropriate content, and social and emotional challenges. Therefore, it's imperative for parents to set appropriate boundaries, promote healthy technology habits, and foster open communication about online safety. By striking a balance between technology and children’s education, we can empower our children to thrive in the digital age while safeguarding their well-being and development.



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