
Intra Class Competition Schedule for Fundamentals November - 2019

Date Event Grade
25/11/2019 Hurdle Race
(The Hurdle is placed on the center of the track and the kid has to run and jump the hurdle and run through the finishing line)
Advanced -
Orchid, Tulip, Daisy, Lily, Jasmine, Lotus, Rose, Daffodil
26/11/2019 Building Block Shapes Race
(The building block box is placed on the center of the track, the kid has to run and put the blocks according to the shape given on the box and run through the finishing line)
Pre - Orchid
28/11/2019  Building Block Shapes Race
(The building block box is placed on the center of the track and the kid has to run and put the blocks according to the shape given on the box and run through the finishing line)
Pre - Tulip
05/12/2019 Balancing The Ball Race
(The kid has to stand on the starting line along with the baton and ball, the kid has to balance the TT ball on the baton and walk through the finishing line)
Basic - Lily, Jasmine
06/12/2019 Balancing The Ball Race
(The kid has to stand on the starting line along with the baton and ball, the kid has to balance the TT ball on the baton and walk through the finishing line)
Basic -
Orchid, Tulip, Daisy