

How to Make a Child an Active Learner

Posted by Strategic Communications, JGI Group on on 3 June 2024

Foster Active Learning in Children: Tips for Parents and Teachers

Active learning ignites curiosity through hands-on exploration. Rather than traditional lecture-style sessions, active learning involves children constructing knowledge through hands-on engagement. It empowers students to ask questions, solve problems, and think independently, fostering decision-making and creativity.

Active learning is crucial for children as it prompts critical thinking in real-world settings. When children are actively engaged in the classroom, it not only sparks their interest in learning but also cultivates independent thinking skills, decision-making abilities, and increased participation in studies. Essential for holistic child development, active learning should be prioritised by both teachers and parents, ensuring children are involved in conducive learning environments, whether at school or at home. Let us understand some ways in which both parents and teachers can help make a child an active learner:

Initiate Hands-on Learning

Children's learning is enhanced when they engage in hands-on activities and auditory-motor experiences. Active learning fosters questioning, independent thinking, and problem-solving, offering avenues for creativity and decision-making. By integrating hands-on activities and experiments, children can explore concepts through tactile exploration, fostering deeper comprehension. Involving children in activities like science experiments, cooking, gardening, or building projects not only sparks curiosity and creativity but also imparts essential skills. Hands-on experiences boost motivation, confidence, and problem-solving skills while nurturing metacognition, the awareness of one's learning capabilities.

Encourage Curiosity

Neurological research suggests that curiosity enhances our brain's receptiveness to active learning. Inquisitive students not only pose questions but actively pursue answers. Curiosity maintains mental agility and aids in child development. Moreover, curiosity fosters novel ideas and unveils fresh opportunities. One such way to encourage curiosity is to plan family trips with children. Traveling introduces children to diverse cultures and experiences, broadening their horizons beyond books and the internet. Furthermore, engaging children's minds by asking open-ended questions can also imbibe curiosity in children.

Introduce Activities

When children are engaged in various activities, it helps facilitate the acquisition of new knowledge through hands-on engagement. This form of active learning contributes to holistic child development, addressing a child’s spiritual, emotional, cognitive, and physical needs. Both teachers and parents should create ample opportunities for children to actively engage in learning. Establishing comfortable environments both in the classroom and at home encourages children to excel across various domains. Moreover, incorporating play into learning activities enhances the process, making it enjoyable and interactive.

Implement Role-Play

Role-play serves as a straightforward yet potent tool for fostering active learning in the classroom. When students find an activity enjoyable, their engagement and learning outcomes increase. This is true with respect to role-play, as it naturally resonates with young children who readily immerse themselves in imaginary scenarios. Moreover, role-play provides a platform for quieter children to express themselves, offering an outlet for those hesitant to speak up in class. Through dramatic expression, children can articulate their thoughts and emotions without fear of judgment, fostering a supportive learning environment.

Teach Problem-Solving Skills

Children's development of problem-solving skills occurs at different rates. However, it is imperative that child development includes learning to tackle problems with grit and creativity, especially as children learn to cope with setbacks or resolve conflict. Moreover, problem-solving skills are one of the most important skills children can develop because they prepare them to face increasingly complex academic and interpersonal issues as they mature. Problem-solving involves learning how to work through a series of actions or steps in order to reach a solution or an end to a problem.

Key Takeaways

Active learning stands as a cornerstone in children's education, fostering critical thinking and holistic child development. By actively participating in hands-on activities, children construct knowledge, enhance problem-solving skills, and cultivate creativity. Parents and teachers play pivotal roles in promoting active learning, encouraging curiosity, introducing diverse activities, implementing role-play, and teaching problem-solving skills. In addition to these strategies, fostering a supportive and encouraging atmosphere where children feel safe to explore, experiment, and make mistakes is crucial. Embracing a growth mindset can further empower children to take risks and dive deeper into their learning experiences!



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