

Challenges Parents Face in Their Day-To-Day Life and How to Overcome Parenting Challenges
Posted by Strategic Communications, JGI Group on 3 July 2023

Overcoming Parenting Challenges: Tips for 21st-Century Parents - JHS

As a 21st-century parent, are you finding it hard to deal with parenting challenges?

We get it because parenting has become more challenging today when compared to previous generations. The widespread use of technology and the internet by children can impact their behaviour. Moreover, the changing household environment and the financial pressure due to growing capitalism have contributed to the challenges of the current generation of parents.

You may often ask yourself why it is so hard to be a parent today. Has it been always so difficult?

Believe it or not, adopting good parenting styles and approaches has always been a concern. Your previous generations too have faced certain challenges; however, the nature and magnitude of those challenges may be different from what you are facing now. On a side note, what has stayed constant is your responsibility of raising healthy, and happy kids.

We understand your concern about meeting the standards of ‘good parenting,". Therefore, to help you in your parental endeavours, we have come up with a few common parenting challenges and possible solutions. Read on until the end of the article to get your questions answered.

Juggling between work-life balance and financial responsibilities

Problem Statement: With the rising cost of living and increased capitalism, many families rely on dual incomes to meet their daily demands. You must also be one of those who are trying to give your family a better life. Financial responsibilities can often impact your parenting responsibilities. When you are focusing on one, you may feel like you are neglecting the other! This is a common dilemma for today’s parents, who often have hectic work schedules.

Solution: With increased remote and hybrid working patterns these days, it is important that you and your spouse can plan your schedules as per your work commitments. This will ensure that one of you is available to take care of your children in the absence of the other. You can also adopt sound financial planning and a well-planned lifestyle that will ensure you don’t need to compromise on your parenting responsibilities to meet the growing financial requirements. The growing stress can affect your mental well-being, so you can also take some time off every now and then to spend quality time and stay stress-free!

Tackling the Common Behavioural Issues

Problem Statement: Behaviour issues like aggression, tantrums, back-talking, and not listening are quite common among children. These are a few things that you must keep in check so that they don’t go overboard.

Solution: If your child is being aggressive, the common solution to handling them is to stop adding fuel to the fire. The more you react to their aggressiveness, the further it will escalate. So, rather than ‘reacting’ to it, you can ‘respond’ by adopting a calm attitude and understanding the reason for acting like this. The more you try to understand your child, the more it will help them calm down and become less aggressive. Secondly, if we are talking about throwing tantrums, then it’s very common, and you can deal with it by implementing empathy and a loving presence. Don’t worry; tantrums subside as the brain matures. Thirdly, you can tackle behavioural attributes like back-talking by stimulating positive and healthy conversations with your children every now and then. Rather than shutting them down, it is important that you listen to them without any judgement. You must try to have a strong bond with your child, spend time with them, and instead of giving orders, try to make eye contact and convey your expectations directly and clearly.

Way Forward

It is evident that as parents, you have so many demands to meet and it becomes challenging for them to fulfil their parenting responsibilities. Your work, financial, and social commitments sometimes leave you with little to no time for your children. Negligence can impact children and lead to behavioural issues in them. However, you must understand that parenting is God’s best gift, and you must establish a strong and loving bond with your child to ensure you have each other at the end of the day!


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